
Independent Living news from Idaho and Eastern Washington

Interstate Connections

Providing Resources, Ideas And In-Depth Discussions On Every Aspect Of Living Life With A Disability.

This newsletter comes out monthly and contains information and resources from Idaho and Eastern Washington. Thank you to Disability Action Center NW for bringing together this information and these resources for the disability community on a monthly basis. 

Interstate Connections February 2025 Newsletter

Idaho Legislature requests Office of Performance Evaluations investigation of youth treatment homes

by Wilson Criscione, Investigate West, Idaho Capital Sun

March 21, 2024

In response to InvestigateWest reporting that uncovered allegations of child abuse and neglect at state-licensed facilities, the Idaho Legislature has commissioned a state watchdog investigation that will examine oversight of Idaho’s youth treatment homes.

Rep. Marco Erickson, R-Idaho Falls, presented the investigation request on Friday, arguing an evaluation was necessary to make sure Idaho is taking care of youth “a lot better than we’ve done,” referencing recent news stories revealing what he called “scary things” that have happened to children in residential treatment facilities licensed by the state. 

Find more information in the article at Idaho Capital Sun.

Idaho Reports-For some disabled Idahoans, ‘my entire independence relies’ on direct care workers


Please take time to listen/watch this from Idaho Reports. Included is the SILC chair, Shiloh Blackburn

“Tens of thousands of Idahoans who are elderly or have disabilities rely on direct care workers to live independently, but there’s a shortage of them. We take a look at the impact of that shortage, and what the state could do to help.”

Written Article and Video Story

IdahoRID celebrates 50th Anniversary in October 2023

Navigating the Future Together

IdahoRID is hosting an event commemorating our humble beginnings in 1973. Our vision is a coming-together to celebrate the heritage, family, connections, and culture of the Deaf Community and ASL interpreters. Where we learn with and from each other, fostering a continued cohesive community of respect, allyship, and forward thinking.

Event Details found here



Office of Performance Evaluations release 2022 report

The Office of Performance Evaluations will release their 2022 report on the Sustainability of Idaho’s Direct Care Workforce on Thursday, March 16th.

After release, the publication can be found on the OPE’s website.


“Hay ayuda a tu alcance” aborda las crecientes preocupaciones de salud mental en Idaho

BOISE, ID – La guía bilingüe (inglés-español) de recursos informativos sobre salud mental “Hay ayuda a tu alcance” está disponible a partir de hoy en el Treasure Valley de Idaho. “Hay ayuda a tu alcance” es una guía creada mediante la colaboración de St. Luke’s Health System y el Consulado de México en Boise. Esta guía informativa está dirigida a las personas que viven en el Treasure Valley, incluye recursos locales y nacionales de salud mental y brinda educación sobre las enfermedades mentales. Además de las listas de recursos locales, proporciona información útil sobre los factores de riesgo de estas enfermedades, señales de advertencia y recursos para la prevención del suicidio, así como apoyo para la salud mental y emocional. “Hay ayuda a tu alcance” se inspira en la guía “Get Help (Obtenga ayuda)” creada por el Centro de St. Luke’s para la Salud de la Comunidad/St. Luke’s Center for Community Health del área de Wood River Valley. (continúa en comunicado de prensa adjunto)


“Help is Here” addresses the growing mental health concerns across Idaho

BOISE, ID – A bilingual (English-Spanish) informational mental health resource guide is now available in the Treasure Valley. “Help is Here” is a guide created through a partnership between St. Luke’s Health System and the Mexican Consulate of Boise. Intended for those in the Treasure Valley, the informational guide includes local and national mental health resources and provides education to support the understanding of mental illness. In addition to lists of local resources, the guide also provides information about mental illness risk factors, warning signs and suicide prevention, as well as emotional and mental health support. The guide was modeled after the “Get Help” guide created for the St. Luke’s Center for Community Health for the Wood River Valley area.

CDC Expands Eligibility for COVID-19 Booster Shots to All Adults

Today, CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, M.D., M.P.H., endorsed the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) expanded recommendations for booster shots to include all adults ages 18 years and older who received a Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine at least six months after their second dose.

The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) authorization and CDC’s recommendation for use are critical next steps forward in our country’s booster program – a program which will help provide increased protection against COVID-19 disease and death.

CDC continues to encourage the 47 million adults who are not yet vaccinated to get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect themselves, their families, loved ones and communities. We also strongly encourage those who were already eligible ­– older populations and individuals with underlying medical conditions ­– to get boosted before the holidays.

Anyone can find available vaccines near them at and can consult their health care provider or local pharmacist if they have questions about vaccines or boosters.

The following is attributable to Dr. Walensky:

“After critical scientific evaluation, today’s unanimous decision carefully considered the current state of the pandemic, the latest vaccine effectiveness data over time, and review of safety data from people who have already received a COVID-19 primary vaccine series and booster. Booster shots have demonstrated the ability to safely increase people’s protection against infection and severe outcomes and are an important public health tool to strengthen our defenses against the virus as we enter the winter holidays. Based on the compelling evidence, all adults over 18 should now have equitable access to a COVID-19 booster dose.”


CDC works 24/7 protecting America’s health, safety and security. Whether disease start at home or abroad, are curable or preventable, chronic or acute, or from human activity or deliberate attack, CDC responds to America’s most pressing health threats. CDC is headquartered in Atlanta and has experts located throughout the United States and the world.

The CDC’s final recommendations for boosters are available at CDC Covid Booster and Health and Welfare.


If you have any question regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, please consult this FAQ. Click here to be re-directed.

2021 Legislative Session Safety Concerns

The Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities officials call on Legislative Leaders to put safety controls in place to allow citizens with developmental disabilities to engage in legislative process.

ICDD Press Release

2021 Legislative Session Safety Concerns

A health care industry gets by ‘on a shoe string.’ Advocates say new state aid won’t help much.

SILC Council Member Shiloh Blackburn was interviewed regarding her experiences with home health care.

The article can be read at the Post Register.