Idaho Health Equity Coalition
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. MST / 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. PST (90 minutes)
Standing Agenda:
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Meeting ID: 819 9294 6183
Passcode: 259532
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Meeting ID: 819 9294 6183
Passcode: 259532
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Idaho Health Equity Coalition
Our Vision:
Idahoans across disabilities, cultures, geography, socioeconomic status and lifespan have equitable opportunities and access to health and wellness education and services.
Our Mission:
The Idaho Health Equity Coalition will promote, educate and enhance the ability of Idahoans with disabilities and their families to make informed decisions about their health and healthcare choices and work with healthcare providers to enhance barrier free access to healthcare education and services for ALL Idahoans