Amended and Approved April 16, 2021
- in coordination with the Centers for Independent Living, jointly develop and submit [in conjunction with the Designated State Entity] the State plan(s) required in Section 704 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973;
- monitor, review, and evaluate the implementation of the State plan(s);
- coordinate activities with the State Rehabilitation Advisory Council(s) established under Section 105 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended and councils that address the needs of specific disability populations and issues under other Federal law;
- ensure that all regularly scheduled meetings of the Idaho SILC are open and accessible to the public and that meeting notice is provided at least five (5) days in advance;
- submit to the Commissioner such periodic reports as the Commissioner may reasonably request, and keep such records, and afford access to such records, as the Commissioner finds necessary to verify such reports;
- be authorized to hold such hearings and forums as the Idaho SILC determines necessary to carry out the duties of the Idaho SILC;
- perform other duties that are described in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended;
- be independent of any state agency;
- adopt bylaws and policies governing its operation;
- provide to the council’s employees the employee benefit package offered to state of Idaho employees;
- assess the need for services for Idahoans with disabilities and advocate with decision makers;
- supervise and evaluate such staff as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the council;
- perform other activities the council deems necessary to increase the ability of Idahoans with disabilities to live independently;
- promulgate rules, as may be necessary, in compliance with chapter 52, Title 67, Idaho Code.
Section 1: IDAHO SILC Membership – The members of the Idaho SILC shall be appointed by the Governor. The appointing authority shall select members after soliciting recommendations from organizations representing a broad range of individuals with disabilities and organizations interested in individuals with disabilities. All appointees to the Idaho SILC will provide statewide representation, represent a broad range of individuals with disabilities, and be knowledgeable about centers for independent living, and a majority of appointees to the Idaho SILC will be persons with disabilities described in Section 7(8)(B) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended and not employed by a State agency or center for independent living.
The Idaho SILC shall include, pursuant to Section 705 (b)(2):
- at least one (1) director of a center for independent living chosen by the directors of centers for independent living within the State; and
- as ex-officio, non-voting members:
- a representative from the designated State unit; and
- a representative from other State agencies that provide services for individuals with disabilities.
The Idaho SILC may include, pursuant to Section 705 (b)(3):
- other representatives from centers for independent living;
- parents and guardians of individuals with disabilities;
- advocates of, and for, individuals with disabilities;
- representatives from private business;
- representatives from organizations that provide services for individuals with disabilities; and
- other appropriate individuals.
Section 2: Appointment and Term – Members of the Idaho SILC shall be appointed by the Governor and shall serve for three (3) year terms and may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms except that:
- a member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the predecessor was appointed, shall be appointed for the remainder of such term; and
- the Governor may delegate the authority to fill a vacancy to the remaining voting members of the Idaho SILC after making the original appointment.
Section 3: Responsibility – It is the responsibility of each member to represent one’s geographic area of the State and present the issues and concerns of that area in the formation of all Idaho SILC policy and programs. Each member shall also perform specific duties set out by written policy and/or assigned by the Chair, Executive Committee, or a standing committee chair.
Section 4: Vacancies – Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the Idaho SILC shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. The vacancy shall not affect the power of the remaining members to execute the duties of the Idaho SILC.
A vacancy occurring in the membership shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired portion of the vacated position. This replacement period shall not be counted toward an individuals two (2) term limitation.
The Governor may delegate the authority to fill such a vacancy to the remaining voting members of the Idaho SILC after making the original appointment.
A vacancy may occur as a result of a member’s resignation, either voluntarily or as a result of a disciplinary action pertaining to removal of the member. The member must submit his/her resignation to the Idaho SILC Chair.
Section 5: Removal – Members may be terminated from Idaho SILC membership by the Governor for any of the following reasons, as delineated by written Idaho SILC policy:
- poor attendance;
- lack of participation; and
- malfeasance in office.
Section 6: Attendance – Members shall be required to attend at least 50 percent of the regular Idaho SILC meetings. Regular meetings are those meetings for which dates and locations have been identified in the annual published list and notice has been given to each member. Upon missing two consecutive meetings without just cause, a member’s attendance may be reviewed for action by the Membership Committee.
Section 2: Notice – Written notice of the time and place of the meetings shall be given by the Executive Committee. An annual list of dates and locations determined by the Executive Committee shall meet this requirement. Idaho SILC members must be notified at least thirty (30) days prior to a meeting if changed from the original date as identified on the annual list.
Section 3: Special Meetings – Special Meetings of the Idaho SILC, its standing committees or any ad hoc committee, may be called by the Executive Committee or upon request of two-thirds (2/3) of the current Idaho SILC membership, without the required 30-day written notice. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Idaho SILC Chair or upon request of two-thirds of the current Idaho SILC membership, without the required 30-day written notice.
The Idaho Open Meeting Law – requires no less than a five (5) calendar day meeting notice and a forty-eight (48) hour agenda notice for “regular meetings”. For “special meetings,” or “executive sessions” – Meeting and Agenda notice must be posted at least twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting.
Section 4: Quorum and Action – A quorum for the transaction of any Idaho SILC business shall be a simple majority of the Idaho SILC membership. The act of the majority of those members present shall be the act of the Idaho SILC.
- no Idaho SILC member shall be represented by a non-Idaho SILC member;
- nor shall an Idaho SILC member be allowed to cast a vote by written or verbal proxy.
- Teleconference meetings and votes are allowed.
Section 5: Procedure – All meetings shall be held in accordance with open meeting laws codified in Sections 74-201 through 74-208, Idaho Code, as amended, and conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, as newly revised, subject to provisions of Idaho laws pertaining to public entities.
Section 6: Minutes – A written record shall be kept of all Idaho SILC meetings and made available in alternative formats to the full Idaho SILC as soon as possible before the next regularly scheduled meeting, and to the general public upon request.
1. Election of Officers
a. The Chair shall be elected annually in the meeting held during the second quarter of the fiscal year (January). Nominations from the floor will be accepted up to and during the meeting held in the first quarter of the fiscal year (October). Nominations must be made in a public meeting. The member elected to this position must immediately resign from any other committee chair held on the Idaho SILC.
b. Vice Chair. The Idaho SILC shall annually elect a Vice Chair in the meeting held during the second quarter of the fiscal year (January). Nominations from the floor will be accepted up to and during the meeting held in the first quarter of the fiscal year (October). Nominations must be made in a public meeting. The member elected to this position must immediately resign from any other committee chair held on the Idaho SILC except that of Membership Committee Chair.
2. Officer Terms – Tenure in office shall be as follows:
a. Chair: The Chair serves for a one (1) year term upon election or until a successor is elected. A limit of two (2) terms will be placed on this office.
b. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair serves for a one (1) year term upon election or until a successor is elected and may be re-elected by the Idaho SILC membership, but shall not serve more than two (2) terms.
3. Removal – Officers may be removed according to the following:
a. The Idaho SILC may remove the Chair, providing that at least two-thirds (2/3) of the current Idaho SILC membership so vote and providing that justification is established.
b. The Idaho SILC may remove the Vice Chair whenever the best interests of the Idaho SILC would be served by said removal, providing that at least two-thirds (2/3) of the current Idaho SILC membership so vote and providing that justification is established.
4. Vacancies – A vacancy in any office due to death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the respective office’s term according to the following:
a. Chair: A vacancy in this office shall be filled by the Vice Chair.
b. Vice Chair: A vacancy in this office shall be filled by the Executive Committee, contingent on ratification by the Idaho SILC membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
5. Responsibilities – In addition to all officers being full voting members on the Idaho SILC Executive Committee and assisting the Executive Director in review and identification of Idaho SILC committee memberships and Idaho SILC committee chairs, each office shall have its respective duties and responsibilities as follows, and as set out by written policy adopted by the Idaho SILC.
Section 2: Idaho SILC Staff – The Idaho SILC shall prepare, in conjunction with the Designated State Entity, and in coordination with the Centers for Independent Living a plan for the provision of such resources, including staff and personnel, as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the Idaho SILC under Section 705, with funds made available under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended and from other public and private sources.
Section 3: Idaho SILC Committees – The Idaho SILC shall be comprised of the following committees with respective compositions:
- Executive/Finance Committee – This Committee shall exercise the overall governance of the Idaho SILC, subject to bylaws, policies, and any vote of the Idaho SILC membership.
- The Executive Committee shall be comprised of all Idaho SILC officers, the immediate past Idaho SILC Chair, if that person is available, and chairs of the Idaho SILC Standing Committees and a person from the Idaho SILC appointed by the Chair.
- Standing Committees – Standing committees shall be established by the Executive Committee to conduct the activities of the State plan(s).
- Standing Committee Structure: Executive/Finance, Membership/ Outreach, Planning, and Policy.
- Committee Chairs
- Executive/Finance Committee Chair. The Idaho SILC Chair shall serve as the Chair of this committee.
- Standing Committee Chair. Each standing committee shall have a chairperson who shall be appointed by the Idaho SILC Chair.
- Removal of Standing Committee Chair. A standing committee chair may be removed by the Executive Committee.
Section 4: Ad Hoc Committees – The Idaho SILC Chair shall establish ad hoc committees when deemed necessary by the Chair or by the general membership of the Idaho SILC, or when directed by the Executive Committee.
Section 2: Major Decisions – All major decisions involving any action upon which serious legal liability may attach, which involve the exchange (purchase, sale, lease, etc.) of property, or which involve a major decision (in the opinion of the Chair) shall be made by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members of the Idaho SILC present at any meeting called for that purpose and shall be placed in the minutes by resolution.
Section 3: Regular Decisions – All regular (non-major) decisions may be made by act of a majority of the voting members of the Idaho SILC present at any meeting at which a quorum is present, and shall be placed in the minutes by resolution.
Section 2 -Pursuant to Section 706, the Idaho SILC may use such resources to reimburse members of the Idaho SILC for reasonable and necessary expenses of attending Idaho SILC meetings and performing Idaho SILC duties (including child care and personal assistance expenses), and to pay compensation to a member of the Idaho SILC, if such a member is employed and must forfeit wages from employment, for each day the member is engaged in performing Idaho SILC duties. The Idaho SILC shall set forth in writing a policy governing the expenditures of funds to Idaho SILC members.
Date of Adoption by the Council: April 16, 1999 | Date of Duly Approved Amendments: July 18, 2008 | Date of Duly Approved Amendments: October 25, 2011 | Date of Duly Approved Amendments: October 11, 2019 | Date of Duly Approved Amendments: April 16, 2021